Nursing Leadership Workshop
20th December 2024
“Effective Nursing Leadership to Advance Organizational Excellence”

The registration has now been closed due to exceeding the capacity!
Instructions for online payments
- Follow the link at the end of the instructions
- Please select “Application Fee Post Graduate- Nursing/ Technology” for the Fee Type
- Select Visa or Master card type
- Enter your Name, NIC (National Identity Card Number) or Passport Number and select the currency (USD for foreign participants and LKR for local participants)
- Enter the Amount based on your type of registration
- Type the account number ‘337011300004‘ for Payment Reference. Then click the verify button
- Submit your information.
- Check and confirm your details.
- Enter your card details and proceed.
- You should submit the online payment confirmation receipt/screenshot to the registration portal. Therefore, it is important to take a printout of the receipt or take a screenshot of the transaction at the end of the process.
Instructions for direct bank deposits
If you are making a direct bank account deposit, please use following details.
- Name of the Bank – Peoples Bank, Thimbirigasyaya Branch
- Account Name – University of Colombo
- Account Number- 337011300004
- In the deposit slip please include your name followed by Nursing Leadership Workshop 2024 as remarks (Ex: A.B.C.D. Perera – Nursing Leadership Workshop 2024)
- A clear photo/ scanned copy of the bank slip should be uploaded in the registration form
Inauguration | 09.00am – 09.10am |
Pre Self -Assessment- | 09.10am – 09.30am |
Session 1- Transforming leadership through behavior and style; by Prof. Janet Davis | 09.30am – 10.30am |
Tea Break | 10.30am – 10.45am |
Session 2- Motivating to lead others in today’s environment: by Ms. Herath | 10.45am – 11.30am |
Session 3- Scenario based presentation | 11.30am – 12.30pm |
Lunch | 12.30pm – 01.15pm |
Session 4- Empower growth to facilitate professional development: By Prof. SSP Warnakulasuriya | 01.15pm – 02.15pm |
Session 5- Resilience to impact stress and burnout: by Dr. T.A. Asurakkody | 02.15pm – 03.15pm |
Post Self – Assessment- | 03.15pm – 03.35pm |
Awarding Certificates | 03.35pm – 04.00pm |
Resource Persons
Prof. Janet H. Davis

Prof. Janet is serving as an academic member of College of Nursing, Purdue University, Northwest, USA. Her teaching expertise includes Leadership and Management in Nursing, community health.
Prof. Janet’s research interests are International Health Leadership, AI in Healthcare, Community Health.
Prof. Sudath Warnakulasuriya

Prof. Warnakulasuriya is the Dean of Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. He is Expertise in the areas of Occupational Health, Nursing Education, Geriatric Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing. Prof. Warnakulasuriya is the general secretory to the Sri Lanka Nurses Association and executive committee member to the Graduate Nurses Foundation. He is holding many administrative positions and the management activities related to nursing and healthcare in national and international level.
Dr. Thanuja Asurakkody

Dr. Thanuja is the Head of the Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo Sri Lanka. Her teaching expertise and research interesting areas are Leadership and Management in Nursing, Transcultural nursing, and Nursing Education.
Ms. Chandrani Herath

Ms. Chandrani is the Head of the Department of Clinical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. She has outreach experience in leadership and management in nursing in hospital service. She is expertise in teaching in Geriatric nursing, Child health and emergency nursing management.