Department of Sciences and Social Sciences for nursing is devoted for providing thorough basic knowledge on different disciplines under basic sciences and social sciences related to nursing, including, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Social Sciences allied with nursing education, by offering course units along with practical experience to all the first year undergraduates entering the faculty for perusal of four year B.Sc degree program in nursing. Moreover, the department is playing a significant role in conducting and promotion of nursing research.
Academic Staff
Dr. Nirosha P. Edirisinghe
Head of the Department
Senior Lecturer Gr-II
RN, Dip. in IT (Colombo), BSc (Special) in Nursing (Second Class Honors -USJP), PhD (USJP)
Prof. Anushka S. Elvitigala
B.Sc (Colombo). M.Sc, PhD (JNU, Rep. of Korea)
Dr. M. D. Thilina Lakmini Gunathilaka
Senior Lecturer Gr-II
B.Sc (Special) in Human Biology (USJP), PhD (USJP)
Ms. D L N L Ubhayawardana
Senior Lecturer Gr-II
B.Sc (Special) in Human Biology (SJP), M. Phil (SJP)

Dr. Achala Kalamadasa
B.Sc (Colombo), PhD (USJP)
Senior Lecturer Gr II
Prof. G A S Premakumara
BSc, PhD, Dip(Psy), MIChemC, MIBiol, CChem,CBiol, FIBiol.
Mr. Thimira Amarasinghe
Lecturer (Probationary)
RN,B.Sc (Hons) in Nursing (UoP)
Non Academic Staff