nEURO care Project- European initiative for capacity building to meet the challenges of caring for people with Neurodegenerative Disorders in Sri Lanka – Visit to Sweden
Visit to Sweden
First international project and the grant obtained by the faculty of nursing is the nEURO care Project- European initiative for capacity building to meet the challenges of caring for people with Neurodegenerative Disorders in Sri Lanka which is the first ever project related to Nursing education in Sri Lanka. The aim of this project is to develop online new and innovative courses and methodologies in healthcare in order to develop the human capacities in the field of Neurodegenerative disorders within the four selected Higher Education Institutions of Sri Lanka.
This timely significant project is mainly coordinated by the Faculty of Nursing, the University of Colombo with Kristianstad University, Sweden. Other partner European universities such as Triskelion University, Norway, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, University of Tartu, Estonia, and Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus and invited local universities include University of Peradeniya, University of Ruhuna, Kotalawala Defense University in Sri Lanka.
The second international workshop of the nEUROcare project was held from 9th May 2022 to 12th May 2022 at the Bäckaskogs Slott in Sweden organized by the Kristianstad university Sweden with the participation of all project members of the eight partner universities. A total of 40 participants (Vice-Chancellors, project managers, and project members) from all four local universities and four partner EU universities were participated in the workshop. During the workshop, learning objectives of each module were finalized for development of eight courses based on the Sri Lankan Qualification Framework(SLQF) which was facilitated by the experts in Neuuro-sciences including Neurosurgeons, Neurologists, Psychologists, and General physicians visited from EU partner universities.
In addition, in-depth interactive discussions were made on formulating the learning objectives, subject content, time allocation, and teaching and learning methods of eight study modules were carried out . Further, possible research areas related to neurodegenerative disorders were discussed and identified initiating research project in addition to course development and capacity building. .
Prof. SSP Warnakulasuriya, Dean, Faculty of Nursing , the country coordinator and the Project Manager and the other members of project team Dr. G. Kisokanth, Mrs. Rupa Menike, Ms. Shiroma Malkanthi, and Mrs. Chandrani Herath participated from the Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo.in addition to the course development and capacity building , the second international workshop on nEUROcare facilitated lots of knowledge sharing, networking and various intellectual dialogues .