The ‘Oath taking Ceremony’ of the Faculty of Nursing
The oath-taking ceremony is a solemn ceremony where the nursing undergraduates take their oath after receiving their cap and the lamp. Every budding Nursing student should understand the importance of the Nursing profession and its dignity. Symbolically they dedicate to the nursing service through‘ Oath taking Ceremony.’ This Nightingale oath is a statement that defines nursing and helps to articulate for everyone, including nurses themselves, the range of essential responsibilities of nursing.
The oath-taking ceremony of the 1st Batch (2016/2017) of B.Sc. Nursing undergraduate students of the Nursing Faculty of the University of Colombo was held at the Main Auditorium, Faculty of Nursing, on 31st January 2020. The Chief Guest was Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne, Vice-Chancellor, University of Colombo. The Guest of Honour was Mrs. M.B.C. Samanmali, Director, Nursing (Medical Services), Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine. The ceremony was decorated by all dignitaries of both the University of Colombo, Ministry of Health, Hospitals, parents, and.B.sc nursing first-year students. First, Dr. Warnakulasooriya, the Head of the Clinical Department, made an introduction to the ceremony. The welcome speech was delivered by the Dean, Faculty of Nursing, Professor D.Weerakoon. During her speech the Chief Guest Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne, Vice-Chancellor, University of Colombo, highlighted the significance of attitude the students should develop towards nursing the sick. The Head of the Fundamentals Nursing Department delivered the thanking speech.
This is a historical professional ceremony in nursing profession in Sri Lanka as it is the oath- taking and dedication ceremony of the first BSc undergraduate Nursing Batch of the first-ever Nursing Faculty in Sri Lanka.